37. John BLYTH was born in 1716. He inherited the house and land from his father on 24 Jul 1727 in Boxted, Essex. "I give and bequeath unto my Son John Blyth the House and Land where in I now dwell with the Appurtenances belonging to the Manor of Boxted Hall paying out of the farm yearly and every year to his Mother Susan Blyth the Sum of Twelve pounds of Lawful money for and towards his bringing up until he shall arrive at the Age of Twenty one years and then the said payment of Twelve pounds a year to cease ".
John also was to receive a quarter of the residue of his fathers estate. He signed a Will on 16 Jul 1759. He died between Aug 1759 and Mar 1762. His Will was proved on 27 Mar 1762.

He obtained a marriage license in 1738. John Blyth of Boxted, Farmer & Mash Cole of Colchester, Gunsmith bound John, 22, to Dorothy Winkle, 21, of Boxted at St Michaels, Mile End, Colchester. He was married to Dorothy WINKLE on 21 Sep 1738 in Mile End, Essex. Both John and Dorothy were single and from Boxted. Dorothy WINKLE was born in 1717. She inherited the interest on a bond of £150 from her husband on 27 Mar 1762. The principal sum of £150 was to be split equally between the 4 sons when they reached 21. Dorothy also received £5. John BLYTH and Dorothy WINKLE had the following children:

child+108 i. John BLYTH.
child109 ii. Isaac BLYTH was baptized on 3 Aug 1740 in Boxted, Essex. He inherited £50 from his father on 27 Mar 1762. The money was to be paid, out of the estate, by his brother John when Isaac reached 21. He inherited land and property from his great uncle, Isaac Blyth, on 23 Jun 1768 in Boxted, Essex. "I give and Devise unto my Great Nephew Isaac Blyth Son of my late Nephew John Blyth another of the Sons of my late Brother John Blyth deceased and to the Heirs and Assigns of my said Great Nephew Isaac Blyth for ever all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with the Lands thereunto belonging and containing by Estimation twelve Acres situate lying and being in Boxted aforesaid and holden of the Manor of Rivens Hall and now in the Occupation of my self or undertenants". Isaac was also left £50. He was buried on 14 Oct 1823 in Boxted, Essex. Isaac died aged 83.
child+110 iii. Samuel BLYTH.
child111 iv. Mary BLYTH was baptized on 9 May 1748 in Boxted, Essex.
child112 v. William BLYTH was baptized on 28 Jul 1755 in Boxted, Essex. He inherited £50 from his father on 27 Mar 1762. This money was to be paid by his brother John, from the estate, when William reached 21. William was also to receive a yearly sum of £5 towards his up bringing and education until he reached 16. He inherited a Cottage from his Great Uncle, Isaac Blyth, on 23 Jun 1768 in Langham, Essex. "I Give and Devise unto my Great Nephew William Blyth (Grandson of my said late Brother John Blyth of Boxted) all that my Copyhold Cottage with the Appurts there unto belonging situate lying and being in Langham aforesaid now in the Occupation of Isaac Ladbrook his said Brother John Blyth to be his Guardian until he arrives at Twenty one years of Age". He was buried on 13 Jan 1836. William died aged 80.